A resourcing robot for your freelance artist database

We import your existing roster

Tell us who you need and when.

By start date, skill set, software, style, timezone or visual.

Your artists will receive a notification from your studio.

You'll receive a list of available artists from your private roster.

You know what they say. It's as easy as one, two, three (... four)!

Spread Jam is like having a dedicated resourcing coordinator who can handle any number of projects. You already have a coordinator you say? Spread Jam will give them super powers by taking your offline spreadsheets and turning them into a living, self-updating roster with your most-trusted freelance team.Because you deserve the freshest information to make the best bookings for your creative projects.Spread Jam starts at $30/month for small teams.

© SpreadJam 2023. All rights reserved.